Hit the Ground Running!

Seamlessly transition to your new analytics platform. Let us handle the migration of your existing projects, allowing your team to focus on what really matters.

Ready to Launch Your Analytics Platform?

Your organization has made the strategic decision to implement powerful platforms like Power BI. It’s a great move toward leveraging data analytics. But now, the challenge arises – how to get it up and running effectively?

Diving into the setup and integration can be daunting. Even though tools like Power BI are designed for “citizen analysts”, there’s a steep learning curve when transitioning from familiar platforms like Excel. Attempting to handle this integration internally can disrupt the flow of analytics within your organization, causing delays and potential setbacks.

Don't Stall Your Analytics Momentum!

Seamless Transition to Your Analytics Platform: Stay Focused, Stay Ahead

Venturing into a new analytics platform can be daunting. Why wade through the complexities alone? By partnering with seasoned experts for the setup, you’re guaranteeing a seamless transition. This allows your team to stay dialed into their specialties without missing a beat. Let us be your guiding hand, ensuring that the rhythm of your analytics remains strong and consistent. momentum remains uninterrupted.

Seamless Platform Setup

Start with our easy-to-implement starter projects. Designed for smooth and efficient integration, our services set the perfect foundation for your system, paving the way for future success.

Dashboard Building

Dashboard Building

Crafting user-friendly dashboards for insightful data visualization.

Performance Optimization

Performance Optimization

Enhance your platform’s speed and responsiveness for peak performance.

Data Source Integration

Data Source Integration

Bridge existing and new data sources for a unified data experience.

Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation

Automate and streamline your data workflows, eliminating redundancy.

Tool Configuration

Tool Configuration

Tailor the integration of your analytics tools to match your specific needs.

Security + Data Governance

Security + Data Governance

Protect your data and ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.

Portfolio Reporting

Portfolio Reporting

Consolidate and present your data across various analytics platforms for consistent, clear reporting.

Kickstart your new platform experience: from dynamic dashboards to custom mobile apps, we ensure you hit the ground running.

Mobile Power BI Apps

Mobile Power BI Apps

Equip your field teams with custom mobile apps, bringing real-time analytics to their fingertips for swift, informed decisions on the go.

We support other platforms; but we prefer Power BI


Active Users



Elevating Every Department

Every department has unique data needs. We tailor Power BI setups to highlight crucial insights, ensuring informed decisions across the board. From Sales to IT, and Finance to HR, we’re your bridge to data-driven excellence.

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Experience rapidly translated sales metrics and lead data into impactful strategies with our Power BI services. Our expertise in setup allows your team to amplify marketing reach and make data-driven decisions effortlessly.

Finance & Accounting

Finance & Accounting

Our tailored Power BI setup simplifies even the most complex financial data. Trust in precision-packed reporting that makes fiscal planning, analysis, and review smoother and more insightful than ever.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Unlock the potential of HR data with our specialized setup. Navigate everything from recruitment trends to employee engagement, ensuring every workforce decision is informed and strategic.

Operations & Supply

Operations & Supply

Gain a bird’s eye view of your entire operational flow with our expert Power BI configuration. Proactively manage every link in your supply chain, optimizing efficiency and ensuring timely deliveries.

Information Technology

Information Technology

Turn IT metrics into clear, actionable insights with a Power BI dashboard tailored by our specialists. Maximize system performance, security, and anticipate challenges with data-driven IT management.

Customer Service

Customer Service

Dive deep into feedback and resolution patterns with our specialized Power BI setup. Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by understanding their needs, feedback, and preferences on a granular level.

Frequently asked questions

Transitioning to Power BI can raise questions, especially when thinking of outsourcing. Below, we’ve tackled the most common concerns to guide your decision with confidence.

Why should we outsource Power BI setup when we have an internal IT team?

Outsourcing ensures that specialists with specific expertise in Power BI handle your integration. While your IT team is skilled, our focus on Power BI means we’ve encountered and resolved many unique integration challenges, ensuring a smoother and faster transition.

How do you handle data security during the integration process?*

Data security is our top priority. We employ industry-leading encryption and security protocols, ensuring your data remains confidential and secure throughout the integration process.

Do you provide post-integration support?

OAbsolutely! Our commitment doesn’t end after integration. We offer support to ensure any post-integration challenges are addressed promptly, ensuring you maximize the benefits of Power BI.

How long does the platform integration process typically take?

The duration varies depending on the complexity and size of your existing system. However, our experience and focus on Power BI mean we can often complete integrations faster than in-house teams or generalist providers.

Is outsourcing Power BI setup effective compared to training our team?

In the short term, training might seem appealing. However, the learning curve and potential integration issues can lead to unexpected costs and delays. Outsourcing provides immediate access to expertise, often resulting in long-term savings.

What if we need specific customizations that are unique to our organization?

Our team is skilled in creating tailored solutions. We’ll work closely with you to understand your needs and ensure that the Power BI integration aligns perfectly with your organizational requirements.

Will our operations be interrupted during the process?

We aim for a seamless transition. Our integration approach is designed to minimize disruptions, allowing most of your operations to continue unhindered during the process.

What if we decide to switch from Power BI in the future?

Our integrations are designed with flexibility in mind. If you decide to transition to another platform, the structured and clean setup we provide will make that future migration smoother and more straightforward.

Hit the Ground Running with Platform Setup Services

Contact us today to discover how we can facilitate your transition to your new analytics platform.

Contact Us

We're always here to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.




